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Personal Projects

  1. Automated Sprinkler System

    Designing and implementing an embedded system that transforms a manual sprinkler systems into automated controllers by integrating rain sensor data and web-based weather information to optimize watering schedules and enhance overall efficiency

  2. STM32 MCU Custom Bootloader

    A custom bootloader for the STM32F407xx MCU family that allows the host to communicate with the bootloader over the USART interface and perform MCU‐specific operations through an interactive application

  3. LCD Digital Clock

    LCD digital clock development using the Tiny RTC Module (DS1307) and the 16x2 Character LCD (HD44780U) interfacing with the STM32F407G-Discovery board

  4. MCU Peripheral Drivers

    MCU peripheral (GPIO, I2C, SPI, USART) drivers development from scratch using the STM32F407G-Discovery board

  5. Bare‑Metal RTOS

    Real‐time operating system development on the bare‐metal STM32F407G‐Discovery board

  6. FreeRTOS Projects

    A collection of projects designed to practice the FreeRTOS kernel integration, porting, and application development for STM32 target board

  7. TCP/IP Group Chat Application

    Multi‐threaded client/server socket applications for Linux OS using C and the POSIX thread libraries

  8. Engineer's Notebook

    A documentation website for publishing reusable technical information gained from personal studies and projects


School Projects

  1. ARM-Assembly Vending Machine

    An assembly program that simulates an interactive vending machine using Raspberry Pi board, buttons and LEDs

  2. 7-Segment Display Control with Keypad

    An embedded C program to control 7‐segment display with keypad and STM32F407G-Discovery board

  3. Console Blackjack

    An interactive console Blackjack game implemented using object-oriented design (OOD) and programming (OOP) in C++

  4. My UNIX Shell

    A UNIX shell which is capable of running both the built-in commands and the external commands


This website contains Jack's original work.